La Pieve di San Romolo a Gaville
Il Cortile
Sala 1: dei telai
Sala 2: del Giogo
Sala 3: del frantoio
Sala 4: la Cucina
Sala 5: del Grano
Sala 6: Bottega del Fabbro e del falegname
Sala 7: Cantina
Sala 8: La stanza dei diavoli
Sala 9: la Camera da letto
Sala 10: Caccia e miele
Sala 11: la Cripta
Sala 12: l'Erbario
Sala 13: Bottega del Calzolaio

In 1974 an early collection of rural tools and machines was gathered up in Gaville by a group of enthusiastic local friends with the purpose of protecting the material signs of rural life. Year after year the collection continued to grow and thanks to an increasing number of enthusiasts the cultural association “Rural Civilization Museum” was eventually set up in 1988. Now the museum is the keeper of a collection of 7000 pieces and its members together with the Provveditore Pier Luigi Righi are working hard to preserve this cultural heritage. The collection is placed in the rooms next to the thousand-year old Romanesque parish church of San Romolo in Gaville. In 2012 this place was named “House of the rural culture”.     read more

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  • Presentazione libro "Scorri o pellicola sulle ali dei ricordi" di Giorgio Verniani
  • Corso sulla potatura dell'olivo
  • Passeggiata a Gaville con visita della casa 15 ottobre
  • Rappresentazione Decameron
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Casa della Civiltà Contadina di Gaville - Pieve di San Romolo a Gaville, Loc. Gaville
50063 Figline e Incisa Valdarno, Firenze (Italia) - P.IVA 05291570488

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